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Perhaps one of the greatest health challenges today: obtaining and maintaining a healthy weight! There can be many complicating factors when it comes to accomplishing this goal. This page is dedicated to exploring both the reasons behind what has been called today's "obesity epidemic" and how to dodge the bullets and get the stoke the fires of a healthy metabolism.
This page is in its infancy. At this point in time I am simply using it as a depository of information while going about my daily work and will fully develop it shortly. So, keep coming back! I will eventually use it as a webinar topic and will have a video available, as well.
More than Meets the Eye
Currently, approximately 73% of American adults are either overweight (30.7%) or obese (42.4%). This is a major public health crisis that cannot be explained by reduced physical activity alone.
Research by Dr. John Speakman shows that basal metabolic rate (BMR) has declined significantly over time, while Active Energy Expenditure (intentional exercise) has actually increased, contradicting the common belief that we simply move less than our ancestors.
"Supplementation with NAM has been found to improve insulin sensitivity in models of human diabetes, for instance, and it also decreases oxidative stress and prevents fatty 1 liver. It also shows impressive promise for fighting obesity and associated diseases, including stroke, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and certain cancers, which have reached epidemic levels worldwide. "
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