From the early days of vaccination, a sound science in itself - getting a little bit of something and building immunity to avoid getting a LOT of something - to today, we have hurtled over the edge of help to harm. Learn more about the lack of accountability when it comes to the vaccination industry, the lack of safety studies and data, and the harm these heavily pushed drugs can do to you and your family. Want to get vaccinated? At least go into the doctor's office armed with the facts.
I have lots of data to upload here, and it will take some time, but keep coming back. This will be a significant resource.

West Virginia Gov. Patrick Morrisey on his first full day in office issued an executive order allowing for religious exemptions from mandatory school vaccinations, ending one of the most restrictive vaccination policies in the country.
“We’re ensuring that the current policy, which does not recognize a religious and conscientious exemption for vaccines — that is being changed,” he said at a news conference.
Mary Holland, CEO of Children’s Health Defense (CHD), told The Defender the news was “both wonderful and welcome.”
“All medical interventions, including vaccination, must be based on true informed consent with the opportunity to refuse,” Holland said. “I hope that this example will influence the states of California, Maine, New York and Connecticut that espouse liberal credentials while enforcing authoritarian health policies.”